Beautiful Publicity Photos of Marilyn Monroe for ‘We’re Not Married’ by Art Adams, 1952 – C1

Marilyn Monroe posing with a giant heart in a Valentine’s/Love-themed studio publicity shoot. The photos were taken by Art Adams, and promoted the release of her upcoming movie We’re Not Married in 1952.

Having supped full of success with the multi-storied O. Henry’s Full House, 20th Century-Fox assembled another all-star “omnibus” film, We’re Not Married. The unifying factor of this enjoyable seriocomedy is provided by justice-of-the-peace Melvin Bush (Victor Moore), who learns to his horror that his license is invalid. Bush and his wife (Jane Darwell) feverishly track down the five couples whom he has married “illegally” to inform them of the fact and invite them to renew their vows.

The screenplay was written by Nunnally Johnson, while the story was adapted by Dwight Taylor from Gina Kaus’s and Jay Dratler’s unpublished work “If I Could Remarry”.

The film stars Victor Moore, Ginger Rogers, Fred Allen, Marilyn Monroe, David Wayne, Eve Arden, Paul Douglas, Eddie Bracken, and Mitzi Gaynor. Co-stars include Louis Calhern, Zsa Zsa Gabor, James Gleason, Paul Stewart, and Jane Darwell.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

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